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Meet our coaches
Dr Aaron Frost
With a career spanning over 20 years, and including private practice, public sector, research, academia, consultancy, and training, Aaron has been an influential and forward thinking leader in psychology.
Aaron is a certified trainer with the International Centre for Clinical Excellent (ICCE), the program lead for the Supervisor Training and Approval Program (STAP) and the Director of Benchmark Psychology.
A/Prof Kaye Frankcom
Kaye has been a leader in the private psychology practice space for 35 years. Her coaching and supervision services are focussed on private practice and business operations—how to build your practice and make it a success. This includes clinical governance, developing a model of care for your practice, balancing clinical and business standards, and supporting the development of you as a practice owner. As a Certified ICCE trainer, she has qualifications in deliberate practice and outcome measurement and can help you implement these in your practice.
Dr Rebecca Frost
As a Clinical Psychologist and certified couples therapist with the International Centre for Emotional Focussed therapy (ICEEFT), Rebecca is highly skilled at working with process in real time.
Rebecca is the Director of Benchmark Psychology, an accredited supervisor and an expert in leadership and strategy, clinical governance, risk management and practice management, whose opinion is sought and valued at the highest levels
Price Per Hour
Payment per individual session.
10 Session Bundle
$2500/ 10 Sessions
Payment plans offered:
$2500 payment upfront when sessions booked or
$1000 upfront followed by 3 automatic fortnightly payments of $500
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